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Creating the main file

Firstly open your code editor and create a new file called main.mjs in a folder named "src" of your project. This is where we'll be writing our bot's code.

import { App } from 'disploy';
import { config as loadEnv } from 'std/dotenv/mod.ts';
import commands from './commands/commands.mjs';

await loadEnv({
export: true,

We start by importing the App class from Disploy. We also import the loadEnv function from std/dotenv/mod.ts (Deno) or dotenv (Node.js). This function will load our environment variables from a .env file.

const clientId = Deno.env.get('DISCORD_CLIENT_ID');
const token = Deno.env.get('DISCORD_TOKEN');
const publicKey = Deno.env.get('DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY');
if (!clientId || !token || !publicKey) {
throw new Error('Missing environment variables');

We then create a new instance of the App class and export it so we can use it in other files. We then call the start method on the app instance and pass in our client ID, token and public key.

export const app = new App({
logger: {
debug: true,


We then loop through our commands and register them with the app.commands.registerCommand method. We also set the debug option to true in the logger option of the App class. This helps us debug our bot.

export const app = new App({
logger: {
debug: true,

for (const command of commands) {